Potential, aktualitet eller utsatthet?
Betydelsen av erkännande i studie- och yrkesvägledning för nyanlända migranter
Career guidance counselling, recognition, refugees, migrationAbstract
Potentiality, actuality or exposure? The significance of recognition in career guidance counselling for newly arrived migrants. This article analyses the significance of recognition in career guidance counselling for newly arrived migrant youth. In line with the sociology of Herbert Blumer, the concept of recognition is employed as a sensitizing concept. In the article, several different aspects of recognition are highlighted, as recognition of prior learning, competencies, and experiences; educational and vocational aspirations; norms and values; the prospect of individual development, and the recognition of harsh and therefore noteworthy conditions for living. The study is based on an analysis of qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with fourteen career guidance counsellors that meet newly arrived migrants in the course of their daily work. The analysis draws attention to the fact that opportunities for development, as well as the recognition of particularly difficult and thus noteworthy life circumstances, are usually acknowledged without more extensive objections, but that the recognition of previously established knowledge, skills and experiences, study and career aspirations as well as norms and values can, according to the interviewees, lead to goal conflicts in study and career counselling work (although the relevance of a recognition approach is generally emphasised).

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