Potentialer og udfordringer i en social- og sundhedsuddannelse
democracy, Dewey, social and health care education, vocational education and training, dual training, pupilsAbstract
care educations. Danish law states that vocational education and training, VET, must contribute to developing pupils´ interest in, and ability to participate actively in democratic society. Based on Dewey’s theory, this paper focuses on managers´ perspectives on implementing the intention of the law. This is done through interviews with managers from social and health care colleges (the school) and with managers from elder care institutions where training takes place (the employer). The results show an awareness and an interest in democracy but also that it can be interpreted in many ways. Hence, there is a potential for pupils´ participation in democracy in different situations in VET. However, it is challenging to connect different pupils´ knowledge of democracy, impressions from the college, experiences from the training, and to contribute to a reflection on democracy.

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