Skolövergripande sexualundervisning
En intervjustudie om kollektiva villkor för samverkan och förändring
whole-school sexuality education, collective conditions, translations, actor-network theory.Abstract
Whole-school sexuality education: An interview study on the collective conditions for collaboration and change. This article explores how whole-school sexuality education is enacted within collective conditions. Drawing on actor-network theory, these collective conditions are examined as socio-material capacities that both stabilize and weaken sexuality education in relation to other actors and practices. The empirical material is based on interviews with three teachers who are particularly engaged in sexuality education. Through the process of tracing, the analysis focuses on entanglements and translations. Rather than being involved in stable translations, it is subject to constant negotiations, rendering it fluid and fragile and marked by ambivalence. The conclusion states that sexuality education must be handled with care, and offers a tentative suggestion for how this can be carried out.

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