Kampen om kunnskap i lærerutdanning
En analyse av kunnskapsformer i de integrerte utdanningene i Norge
research-based and experienced-based knowledge, integrated teacher education, practice, policy study, Basil BernsteinAbstract
The Battle over Knowledge in Teacher Education: An Analysis of Knowledge Discourses in the Integrated Teacher Education Programs in Norway. Different forms of knowledge are at play in teacher education and there is an ongoing debate as to which form of knowledge should set the premises. Policy documents call for a more research-based teacher education close to practice and, therefore, integrated teacher education [ITE] programs have been established. This paper has aimed to explore different forms of knowledge that are formed in practice in the former and new national guidelines for the ITE programs in Norway, using Basil Bernstein’s concept of vertical and horizontal knowledge discourses. The findings indicate a change from the former guidelines, where most of the focus was on experience-based knowledge in practice, to where there is now more focus on research-based knowledge. Therefore, the article discusses the relation between researched-based and experience-based knowledge and the consequences for teacher education as a profession-orientated program when research-based knowledge takes the lead and experienced-based knowledge lags behind.

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