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Call for Abstract- 9th NEST Conference 2024

Dear PhD candidates, Master's students and early career researchers (ECRs) working on complex contemporary sustainability challenges, the Network for Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) is pleased to announce the “Call for Abstracts” for the 9th Annual NEST Conference 2024 held under the theme:

"Addressing Inequalities and Sustainability Transitions"

Inequalities and other unintended consequences are intertwined with transitions towards sustainability, presenting significant challenges for those contemplating approaches to transformative change. Aspects such as disparate socioeconomic conditions, access to resources, and power dynamics manifest across various dimensions, sectors – and scales – globally, regionally, nationally, and locally. Addressing inequalities in sustainability transitions requires acknowledging and understanding their root causes, as well as the socio-material structures that sustain them, in order to be able to develop strategies that can resolve underlying issues rather than merely alleviating the symptoms of inequalities. Sustainability transitions must be just or otherwise, they will risk exacerbating existing injustices and leaving marginalized and other underrepresented members of society behind. Therefore, it is imperative to incorporate equity considerations into the design and implementation of transition initiatives to ensure they are truly inclusive and just. Embark with us on the journey to confront the inequities bound up with sustainability transitions at our upcoming conference centered on "Addressing Inequalities and Sustainability Transitions". In our quest for a world characterized by justice and equity, it is essential to reexamine our methodologies, approaches, and conceptual frameworks.

In this context, we are calling for abstracts that push the boundaries of established frameworks and shed light on innovative solutions or research to foster inclusive sustainability transitions. We welcome diverse perspectives from various disciplines and schools of thought to contribute to our collective understanding of this complex issue. We eagerly invite contributions touching upon any facet of the research agenda outlined by the Sustainability Transitions Research Network (Kohler et al., 2019). Researchers and practitioners are encouraged (but not limited) to explore topics such as the intersectionality of sustainability and social justice, grassroots movements for change, decolonizing approaches to sustainability, and inclusive governance models. Additionally, we invite submissions that examine the role of government, businesses, industries, and civil society in promoting equitable transitions. However, there will, of course, also be the option to submit abstracts with a more classical focus that address pressing issues in sustainability transitions. Let's challenge the status quo and co-create inclusive pathways towards a sustainable future. Submit your abstracts and session proposals to contribute to this vital conversation. Together, we can pave the way for a meaningful change.

This year's conference is co-hosted by three hubs in three different continents to ensure the inclusion, diversity and participation of sustainability transition scholars globally. 

  1. Center for Research on Digitalization and Sustainability (CREDS) – Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Kongsvinger, Norway
  2. Center for Sustainability Transitions (CST) – Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
  3. Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI) –  Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) Regional Hub 

The Inland Norway NEST Regional Hub event will, in line with the overall theme, focus on unintended consequences and injustices that may arise during efforts to achieve a more sustainable future. We particularly welcome contributions that explore such rebound effects within and across connected transitions, like in the twin transition of digitalization and sustainability. Topics of interest include but are not limited to

  • Shifts in business practices and in the conception of value (e.g., for individuals, organizations or communities);
  • The use of big data, artificial intelligence, and other digitalization-enabled innovations to foster transitions while addressing concerns such as data security and privacy;
  • Discussions on the transition towards more resilient and democratic systems, as well as efforts towards circular solutions and equitable resource allocations.

Stellenbosch University Regional Hub

The Stellenbosch NEST Regional Hub event frames the theme of “Addressing Inequalities and Sustainability Transitions” within the context of Africa’s massive infrastructure deficits, the devastating effects climate change will have on the African continent, and the role both play in addressing the historic legacies of injustice and inequality that Africa must contend with.

The hub is also proud to host a special session scheduled for September 5, 2024, dedicated to the topics of

  • Infrastructure,
  • Finance,
  • Justice, and
  • innovation.

Scholars are encouraged to submit abstracts under these themes as well. In addition to sharing research and facilitating meaningful feedback, participants can look forward to a dynamic day full of creative expression and engaging conversation with diverse stakeholders.

Monash University Regional Hub  

The Monash NEST Regional Hub event (only on September 6, 2024) aims to be an inclusive event for all early career researchers in sustainability transitions in the region, and invites contributions from all topics related to the collective research agenda of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network. In relation to the main conference theme, the Monash Hub will address the theme of “Addressing Inequalities and Sustainability Transitions” with a focus on the local and regional context of Australia, New Zealand, and South-East Asia, including studies from and about the Global South.

Abstracts are particularly encouraged (but not limited to) that include a focus on topics such as:

  • Inclusion of indigenous perspectives and knowledge,
  • Trade-offs, especially in energy, mobility, and digital transitions; and
  • Urban-rural divides.

Abstract submission (Registration is free)

We invite all Ph.D. candidates, Master's students, and ECRs working on sustainability transitions to submit a 250-400 word abstract (please use our template provided HERE), for a 15-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute discussion. Please include a 100-150 word biography of the presenting author. Please also provide five strong keywords that determine the area of research.

 You can submit your abstract HERE. Before submitting your abstract, you need to first register.

The deadline for abstract submission is extended till April 27, 2024. You will receive our notification of acceptance in June 2024. We look forward to receiving your abstract!

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: April 27, 2024 (Deadline Extended)
  • Notification of acceptance: June 2024
  • Registration period: July 2024
  • Conference dates: September 6–7, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact us: nestconference2024@gmail.com

Your NEST 2024 Organizing Team