3.1 Responsible Management Through Cross-cultural Research and Inclusion


  • David S. A. Guttormsen USN School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
  • Lailani Alcantara College of International Management, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


Responsible Management, Cross-cultural Research, Inclusion


The track invites papers that deals with either responsible management or cross-cultural aspects and inclusion in work life – both within domestic and international organisations. In particular, we encourage studies that engage with the role of culture and inclusion/exclusion as integral to achieving responsible management as well as those addressing the role of culture and cultural diversity in inclusion research. Empirical (qualitative, quantitative, mixed and multi-method) and theoretical papers are welcome, and so are literature reviews and submissions focusing on methodological issues relating to the aforementioned topics. We welcome papers that interface Nordic and non-Nordic perspectives, corporate policies, work practices and socio-cultural contexts, however; single country studies are equally appreciated.


Chung, B. G., Ehrhart, K. H., Shore, L. M., Randel, A. E., Dean, M. A., & Kedharnath, U. (2020). Work Group Inclusion: Test of a Scale and Model. Group & Organization Management, 45(1), 75–102.

Guttormsen, D. S. A. (2018). Advancing otherness and othering of the cultural other during 'Intercultural encounters' in cross-cultural management research. International Studies of Management and Organization, 48(3), 314–332.

Hibbert, P. & Cunliffe, A. (2015). Responsible Management: Engaging Moral Reflexive Practice Through Threshold Concepts. Journal of Business Ethics, 127, 177–188.

Laasch, O., Suddaby, R., Freeman, R. E., & Jamali, D. (eds) (2020). Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.

Meier. O. (2020). Virtual assignments: cultural and inclusion issues. Mercer: Insights. Available from: https://mobilityexchange.mercer.com/insights/article/virtual-assignments-cultural-and-inclusion-issues.

Mika, J. P., Colbourne, R., & Almeidam S. (2020). Responsible management: an Indigenous perspective. In Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 260–276.

Shore, L. M., Cleveland, J. N., & Sanchez, D. (2018). Inclusive workplaces: A review and model. Human Resource Management Review, 28(2), 176–189.





International Business