How do entrepreneurial family businesses in rural take decisions?


  • Shqipe Gashi Nulleshi Linnaeus University


“rural context; influence; family business; decision-making


The aim of this paper is to add to the theorization on the entrepreneurship context(s) by examining the influence of rural context in the family business decision-making through a gender lens. Undertaking a contextualized view, by applying Welter’s (2011) typology of where and when contexts, and adding “who” (Whetten, 1989) as an element of context enables us to identify an array of factors that encourage or discourage various forms of entrepreneurial activity (Welter & Baker, 2021). This paper takes its point of departure that not only entrepreneurship shapes the context but also context shapes entrepreneurial processes. Thus, contributing to the discussion about the context and agency which has gained increased interest in the last decades (Welter et al., 2019; Welter & Baker, 2021).


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