Implementing an agile framework as a rulebook or toolbox?

Different logics in transforming organizational micro-foundations.


  • Tomas Gustavsson Karlstad University


Agile software development, large-scale, institutional logics, transformation, organizational routines


Transforming into agile ways of working in large organizations can be performed by implementing a pre-defined agile software development framework. However, how the implementation is carried out could be based on different sorts of logic. This paper aims to improve our understanding of agile transformations by viewing software development as an institution and investigates differing institutional logics in two case organizations. The findings display diverse impacts due to differing institutional logics when implementing the Scaled Agile Framework. Findings show that the two identified institutional logics, Agile toolbox logic and Agile rulebook logic, could be used to analyze agile transformations.


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6.2 Digitalization: Digital Tools and Organizational Transformation