1.2 The Dark Side of Management and Accounting


  • Niklas Wällstedt Örebro University
  • Kristina Sutter Beime Örebro University
  • Jaromir Junne Helmut Schmidt University


Critical Management Studies, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Deviance, Normality, Management Practice


This track is interested in submissions where management and accounting are viewed from a variety of critical stances. We are primarily looking for analyses on how management and accounting contributes to the exclusion of alternative ways of being and doing in organisations, society and private settings. By legitimising certain forms of performance, behaviours etc., and deligitimising others, management and accounting contributes in constructing the boundaries between normality and deviance, accomplishment and stigmatisation. All types of studies on such processes will be welcome to this track.


Foucault, M (1977), Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison, Vintage

Hanlon, G. (2015). The dark side of management: A secret history of management theory. Routledge.

Miller, P & Power, M, (2013) Accounting, Organizing, and Economizing: Connecting Accounting Research and Organization Theory, The Academy of Management Annals, 7(1) p.557-605

Parker, M., Fournier, V., & Reedy, P. (2007). The dictionary of alternatives: Utopianism and organization. Zed Books.

